The Salient Features of Darsana CMI International School

Darsana stands for excellence in academic and co-curricural activities for the students. This is a community of students and teachers who live in a family atmosphere, loving and respecting one another. The school has professionally competent and morally upright teachers who are committed to their lofty vocation of moulding the future citizens of our country as per our objectives. It provides enrichment programmes to high achievers, special coaching to promising students. It cultivates in them concern for peace, freedom, justice, the dignity of the individual, the betterment of humanity and ecological healing of the earth.

The school discourages outside tuition for the students as it deprives them of their learning time and creative learning ability and confines them to spoon feeding. There are various programmes in the school to help the students develop their creative and aesthetic talents along with their academic growth. All the relationships in the school are characterised by love, justice, truth, partnership and mutual respects. The integrated development of each child is the concern of all. Hence uncompromisingly we insist on implementation of the following rules.

Core Values

  • Provides the right ambience to know, to do, to be and to live together in a multicultural atmosphere.
  • It is a vibrant campus where ‘living is learning, Learning is leading, leading is growing and growing is building the future’.
  • It is a campus that students talk of and love to live in.
  • The most noteworthy feature of this enviable institution is “Homely atmosphere and family care”.
  • At Darsana CMI International school, students are the most prized assets and teaching is a matter of love
  • Child friendly ambience in our school provides a perfect backdrop for the blooming of budding talents.
  • Children thrive on in its atmosphere of warmth and care, enabling them to embark upon an exciting journey into the fascinating world of varied disciplines, art and culture.
  • Provides ample time for yoga, meditation, various forms of dance, karate, taekwondo, painting and playing musical instruments.
  • Imparting ethical values and etiquette plays pivotal role in the academic curriculum which is bound to generate an innovative, honest, generous and selfless generation.
Darsana CMI International School