Discipline Rules

Rule 1

Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. If a student is to develop self-control he/she must be trained to bridle his/her emotions and impulses, thereby enabling him/her to live in harmony with others, to respect the traditions of his/her family, to keep the laws of the country and to obey the commandments of God.

Rule 2

All the students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations notified for their conduct. Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse.

Rule 3

The morning session begins with the assembly, which all the students are expected to join. Parents must ensure that their child is punctual.

Rule 4

Refinement of manners, habits of obedience and order of neatness in person and dress, and punctuality are required at all times.

Rule 5

Students should be polite and courteous and greet their teachers, elders and other respectable persons when they meet them. They should also greet one another.

Rule 6

In the afternoon, students must be in their classrooms at the first bell. Classes begin at the second bell.

Rule 7

Students shall keep silence and decorum in the classes. During the absence of a teacher, they shall not leave their classroom or their seats; nor shall they make noise.

Rule 8

Every student shall endeavour to keep up the high standard and morale of the school by excelling in studies and good manners.

Rule 9

Students should realize that they are responsible to the authorities of the school not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside.

Rule 10

Students should learn to cherish the sweet memories of their school life with love and gratitude and speak for their school.

Rule 11

Reading materials like books, newspapers, periodicals, comics etc. may not be brought to the school without the previous sanction of the Class Teacher. Film magazines, pornographic books and such items are not allowed in the school campus. Transistor radios, electronic equipments, etc. should not be brought to school.

Rule 12

The school management, Principal and the staff will not be held responsible in any way for any accident or mishap that may occur to the student in the school premises, even during the school hours or while bringing the students to school or carrying them back to home, by bus or any other vehicle. However maximum care will be taken for the security of the students.

Rule 13

For a serious violation of any of the school regulations, a student may be temporarily suspended according to the discretion of the Principal.

Rule 14

All our students are sincerely exhorted to cultivate the habit of daily morning and evening prayers. Catholic students are specially recommended to assist regularly at Holy mass and be frequent to the Sacraments and thus be witnesses to Christ in their daily lives by their good example. Catholic parents would do well to encourage their children in this matter.

Rule 15

The handbook is compulsory and to be kept intact and neat throughout the year. A fine will be levied for replacing a lost handbook with a new one.