Points of Ponder

1. Be always thankful to God for the wonderful gift you have received from him.

2. Be always friendly with others in and out of school.

3. Accept whatever work is assigned to you as your rightful share and face difficulties courageously.

4. Land a helping hand to your parents / brothers and sisters at home, and to your teachers and companions at school.

5. Prove yourself truthful in your words and deeds whatever be the cost you have to pay.

6. Observe good manners and etiquette every time and everywhere.

7. Make a time table for the day for your study, rest and recreation, giving importance to difficult subjects for study.

8. Avoid vulgarity in your talk and behavior, keeping off bad friends.

9. Never make fun of others, especially the old, the differently abled and the poor.

10. Never hesitate to stay an emphatic ‘No’ when asked or tempted to do anything wrong.

11. Less time spent before T.V is more time gained for other useful activities.

12. Be polite and courteous to all at all times.

13. Nurture sportsmanship in games & sports and self control in eating.