School Assessment

The school conducts regular assessments so that the teachers as well as parents can have an idea as to how much the child is able to comprehend.

Step 1

The system of academic assessment comprises of 3 Evaluations (Term I, II, III) & Class tests also are conducted.

Step 2

For Grade X there will be regular class tests, 2 Terminal Exams & 4 Model Exams

Step 3

Promotion to the next class depends on the whole year’s work, regular attendance, overall development and the ability to cope with the next step in the student’s education.

Step 4

Evaluation of the academic performance will be based on the tests and examinations conducted and the assignments allotted from time to time.

Step 5

Class Test/Worksheet marks will be intimated to parents through SMS.

Step 6

Test/Examination cannot be deferred or anticipated to suit individual convenience. No reexamination will be conducted for any subject.

Step 7

Absence or exemption from any subject in any examination excludes the student from being reckoned in order of merit.

Step 8

Perfect order and discipline should be maintained during examinations and tests. Any malpractice, even discovered later, will be seriously dealt with.

Step 9

The result of the examinations is final and will not be reconsidered.