School Bus

The school provides transport facilities for the students. The charges vary according to distance

  • Bus charges should be paid in advance for each term. Failure in this matter will not be considered casual.
  • Parents have to drop and later collect their wards at the scheduled bus stops. The school bus will not wait for late comers.
  • Maximum co-operation is expected from the parents and students regarding the boarding points on the bus routes. This will ensure the regularity and the timely arrival and departure of the buses.
  • In case the school buses are not plying due to any unavoidable circumstances, students have to make their own arrangements to reach the school. No alternative arrangements will be made by the school.
  • Using the school bus is an occasion for the pupil to cultivate good habits like patience, tolerance, sympathy, team spirit, co-operation and consideration for others.
  • Gentlemanly and exemplary behaviors are expected of the students while waiting for the bus at the boarding point and in the bus. The students will enter and leave the bus in a single line. Special consideration should be given to the weaker and younger students.
  • Singing, shouting, moving about, throwing articles out or making comments on people outside is not allowed in the school bus. Students shall speak in English in and outside the bus.
  • Students are not allowed to change their bus stop or trips without explicit permission of the principal / bursar.
  • Those students, who require the school bus only for the one way, will have to pay the full fees for both ways.
Darsana CMI International School
Darsana CMI International School
Darsana CMI International School
Darsana CMI International School