School Library

As the library is the brain of an educational institution, the management is keen to increase the number of useful books and periodicals and to provide the best facility in the library. The reference section has a variety of standard encyclopedia, dictionaries and subject reference books on all topics at the school level.

1. Students are permitted to borrow only one book at a time and it can be kept for a period of one week and is to be returned on or before the due date. It can also be renewed once if nobody has made a reservation for the same.

2. Library books are issued during the library period. Books will not be issued during the recess time.

3. The librarian may call for the return of a particular book or periodical even before the expiry of the due date.

4. The borrower should report any damage or loss of pages, pictures etc to the librarian before he/she accepts the book. It is the responsibility of the borrower to take care of the books borrowed by them.

5. If any book is lost or badly damaged, the actual cost of replacement of the book will have to be paid by the borrower. The Principal’s ruling in this matter will be final and binding. Anyone who fails to return the book on the due date will have to pay a (Rs.1)per day per book.

6. Books or periodicals are not to be transferred by the borrower to others.

7. Reference books, current issues of periodicals and newspapers are not to be taken out of the reading room. Reference books are accessible through the librarian for reference in the library after recording in the special issue register.

Darsana CMI International School