To the Parent

In order to secure all that is best in the education of children, maximum co-operation between parents and school authorities is necessary. All parents/guardians are requested to be co-operative with the school in enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline by taking a keen interest in the activities of the school.


Parents are to see that children do their homework, prepare their lessons daily and come to school on time in clean and full uniform.


Parents are requested to contact the teachers, but on no account they are allowed to go to classrooms and meet them.


Parents are not allowed to meet the students during class hours without the prior permission of the Principal.


Reports of the student’s conduct, punctuality, progress in studies and marks in the monthly tests and terminal examinations are indicated from time to time on the school websites. Parents are requested to go through these reports, and take necessary remedial actions.


No parents shall fail to attend the class-wise Parent-Teacher get-together organized by the school from time to time.


It is up to the parents to bring the attention of the principal and the class teachers to any private information regarding their children so that remedial measures can be taken from the part of the school.


Parents are requested not to project their personal ambitions on their children and over-burden them with private tuitions.


Claim for refund of money can be made at the time of issuing TC, on producing original receipts. No claim shall be entertained later.